When looking for foods that you should be eating to make you feel fuller for longer, and to help curb sweet cravings, Dr Michael initially discussed how the body reacts to junk food.
He said: “Have you ever wondered why it is so hard, once you have started eating junk food, to stop?
“Just as the right foods help you to feel fuller for longer, the wrong foods can do the exact reverse, throwing our brains into a cascade of craving.
“Abundant, energy-dense, hyper-palatable foods are an incredibly recent arrival in our food environment.
“In three million years of human
olution, nothing has prepared us for it.”
Dr Michael continued: “In consequence, our brains are completely unequipped to cope with the intense reward that such food delivers, and switch to ‘more-and-more’ mode after the first bite, especially if we take that bite when we are hungry.